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Installation "hair-raising"

The huge magnet MONOLITH makes for interesting chain structures
Author: Jürg Schaufelberger, Weesen, Switzerland
Online since: 09/01/2012, Number of visits: 547814
I've been a fan of for years and have a large collection of neodymium magnets that I integrate here and there. At the end of 2011, a good friend gave me the "MONOLITH" magnet (which is unfortunately sold out by now, but it should also work with the successor MONOLITH 3). It is impressive due to its extremely strong adhesive force, but that was also the reason why I couldn't find a useful application for it. Hence, I created a small and modifiable piece of art: "Hair-Raising."


When handling a MONOLITH you need to be careful with your tools. Otherwise, your screw driver or flat wrench might grow wings.
I inserted the MONOLITH into a piece of wood to protect the top and the sides...
... and then I closed the bottom side with a thin Pavatex board.
Thereafter, I attached four brackets made of acrylic glass. That is more visually appealing than wood.
I inserted cheap LED panels ("Ledberg" from IKEA) into the bottom part.
I attached a perforated metal plate to the acrylic glass cover of the bottom piece. A 10 cm long chain dangles from every hole. I just brought a magnet (not the MONOLITH ;-)) to the hardware store to find a chain that is light and magnetic. Unfortunately, most are only weakly magnetised. In the end, I chose a brass-plated chain.
The structure containing the MONOLITH goes into the grooves of the bottom board. The chains are still laying flat.


The attractive force of the MONOLITH works already at 1-2 cm above the ground. The edged chain links make the chains "stick" to each other and prevent them from merely standing up straight.
If you pull single "hairs" out, then they stay up straight by themselves.
A thin wooden slat can be used as a "comb" to separate the chains and make them stand up straight.
A quick combover leads to a "hair-raising" hairdo.
Below is another video with stop-motion technique.

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