Gauss cannon
For shooting off steel sphere - very impressive!
Online since: 30/10/2008,
Number of visits: 410063
Table of Contents
Materials needed
- Wooden slat
- Adhesive tape
- 5 cube magnets W-12-N
- 11 steel balls ST-K-13-N
Instructions for building a Gauss cannon
To build a Gauss cannon, you will need to mount several W-12-N cube magnets (alternatively block magnets) in a row to a stiff board or a rail. It's best to attach the magnets so they attract each other; if the magnets repel each other, they tend to twist under the adhesive tape.Next, place two steel balls 13 mm
loosely behind each magnet.
To trigger the shot with the Gauss gun, place another steel sphere just before the first magnet (the left one in the pictures).
The video attached below shows how the homemade Gauss cannon works.
Find a construction manual and slow-motion footage of the Gauss canon in action here:

Note from the supermagnete team:
A similar customer project is The Launching Pad.
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